Window Cleaning

We offer window cleaning to both residential and commercial customers. We can clean windows from ground floor up to six stories high using our 'reach and wash' waterfed pole system, all from the safety of the ground!

We can guaruntee you a streak-free, spotless finish on your windows and pride ourselves on customer service. We will clean anything from a house to a hotel or an apartment block, schools, nursing homes, clubs etc. We also offer an interior window cleaning service and can arrange to call on a regular basis or just a once off.

Using the 'reach and wash' system eliminates the need for costly high access equipment and ladders. The operators feet are always on the ground, making this the safest possible way to clean windows. 

Please fell free to contact us for a FREE no obligation quotation and demonstration.

                                                                                                                      Window cleaning in progress
                                                          Window cleaning video
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